Taurus tube
Running the taurus test program[edit | edit source]
The software normally installs (windows based) into <code>C:\embedinc\</code>. Identify the serial port connected to the tube side board and run as follows:
<pre> C:\embedinc\com>test_taurus.exe -sio 39 </pre>
Note the executable is in the <code>com</code> subdir. Issuing a "?" to the program will give a list of the commands supported.
Useful commands[edit | edit source]
- fwinfo firmware version
- r report current and voltage
- hv (on,off,auto) hv enable
- kv (n) set voltage to (n)
- ua (n) set current to (n)
- log start logging file
- unlog stop logging file
To use the logging info either look at the log file or use the following command in the "com" directory: <pre> csvplot curr </pre>