GaAs detector

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Gallium Arsenide detector[edit | edit source]

Comparison data of different xray detector with different semiconductor properties. File:Detector comparison ss.pptx

Goal[edit | edit source]

Testing the viability of an xray detector made using GaAs substrate. This could result in a detector which does not need to be cooled, perhaps just stabilized and this would result in much simpler packaging requirements. Still have to protect the detector from light, which a moderately xray transparent window. We do not require low energy performance for the primary applications where a very low cost analyzer would be targeted.

Log[edit | edit source]

I am starting with a detector which is 2mm square with a rectangular anode around the periphery of the device. The first two detectors are from batch 3897F2, as noted from the plastic box I received them in. The second batch of detectors are from batch 3902A4.

For reference I've collected V-I curve data for a Si-pin diode taken on a sample from an Amptek detector amptek-si-pin.

Initial detector

This is the device mounted on a pcb, with a closeup of the device.

Mounted on pcb
Closeup mounted

Here is the schematic for the pcb designed to hold this device. File:Schematic-501-12270916.pdf Here is the physical layout. File:Layout-501-12270916.pdf

Detector #1, 3897F2[edit | edit source]

Data acquired on 5/28/2014 using xl3 as voltage source:

Voltage (no load, V) Voltage (diode load, V) Current (measured, uA)
172 88.5 164
145 86 112
125 84 84
95 79 33
85 76 19
76 72 8.6
66 64 4.6
58 56 3.6
46 46 2.6

Detector #2, 3897F2[edit | edit source]

Data acquired on 5/29/2014 using bench supplies:

Voltage (diode load, V) Current (measured, uA)
Forward bias
1.0 0.0
2.0 0.0
3.0 0.0
5.0 0.1
10 0.3
15 0.5
20 0.7
30 1.3
40 2.0
50 2.6
60 3.3
Reverse bias
10.1 0.4
20.1 1.0
30 1.7
40 2.5
50 3.6
60 5.0
70 9.7
80 71
85 141
86 152
87 170
88 190
89 210

Detector #3, 3902A4[edit | edit source]

Data acquired on 6/9/2014 using bench supplies:

Reverse bias
Voltage (diode load, V) Current (measured, uA)
10 0.9
20 1.9
30 2.9
40 4.5
50 6.3
60 8.9
65 11
70 15.9
75 33.2
78 59
80 81.5
81 95
82 112
83 131
84 152
85 178
Forward bias
Voltage (diode load, V) Current (measured, uA)
10 1.1
20 2.2
30 3.3
40 4.5
50 6.0
60 8.5
65 11.0
70 18.5
75 37
78 54
80 69.5
81 77
82 86.7
83 95
84 104
85 114

Detector #4, 3902A4[edit | edit source]

Data acquired on 6/9/2014 using bench supplies:

Reverse bias
Voltage (diode load, V) Current (measured, uA)
10 1.0
20 2.0
30 3.4
40 5.2
50 7.4
60 17
65 40
70 88
75 90
78 75
80 89
81 101
82 112
83 127
84 135
85 141

Measurements from 60V to 85V all suffered from large current swings (> 5uA). The current draw appeared somewhat unstable, so there is substantial error in the current measurements.

Forward bias
Voltage (diode load, V) Current (measured, uA)
10 1.0
20 2.3
30 3.4
40 5.1
50 7.0
60 10.1
65 12.6
70 17.8
75 26.8
78 34.8
80 42.4
81 46.3
82 50.9
83 61.0
84 65.5
85 71.0

Detector #5, 3944A1[edit | edit source]

Data acquired on 6/19/2014 using bench supplies:

Reverse bias
Voltage (diode load, V) Current (measured, uA)
10 0.3
20 0.8
30 1.4
40 2.2
50 3.5
60 5.4
70 8.7
80 21.7
90 65
92 77
94 94
96 120
98 150
100 193
Forward bias
Voltage (diode load, V) Current (measured, uA)
10 0.5
20 1.2
30 1.8
40 2.4
50 3.0
60 3.9
70 5.8
80 13.7
90 25.1
100 36.7
110 47.3
120 56.8
130 65.7
140 62.2
150 62.8
160 63.3
170 62.8
180 62.8
190 62.8
200 62.7

Detector #6, 3944A1[edit | edit source]

Data acquired on 6/19/2014 using bench supplies:

Reverse bias
Voltage (diode load, V) Current (measured, uA)
10 0.3
20 0.9
30 1.6
40 2.7
50 4.3
60 8.1
70 20.6
80 63.9
85 105
90 184
92 215
Forward bias
Voltage (diode load, V) Current (measured, uA)
10 0.4
20 1.0
30 1.5
40 2.0
50 2.5
60 3.2
70 4.4
80 9.6
90 40.0
100 132
101 130
102 146
103 161
104 176
105 203

Detector #7, 3953C3[edit | edit source]

Measured capacitance with LCR Meter BK Precision 879, 39pF.

Data acquired on 8/14/2014 using bench supplies:

Image of the device #7 and #8.

thin intrinsic layer detector

These two detectors have intrinsic layers that are 10um thick. The n-side is 150um thick and the p-side is 1um thick? The "active area" is the center anode contact and there is a guard ring as can be seen in the picture. At this point I have utilized the guard ring.

Observed odd behavior. When measuring the reverse bias I noticed that when I gradually ramp the voltage up to 70V (for example) the measured current draw stays low, as described in the table. However, if I apply the voltage instantly at 70V and look at the current draw it starts high and goes down "slowly" over time to approximately the steady state values below. There appears to be non-trivial capacitance incorporated in to the device.

Reverse bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (applied, V) Current (measured, uA) (10k ohm resistor in series)
10 0.0
20 0.1
30 0.1
40 0.1
50 0.1
60 0.11
70 0.15
72 0.13
74 0.15
76 0.17
80 0.2
85 0.2
90 0.1
95 0.1
100 0.1
105 0.1
110 142
115 188.9
Forward bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (applied, V) Current (measured, uA) (10k ohm resistor in series)
0 0.06
0.1 0.06
0.2 0.08
0.4 0.08
0.5 0.09
0.6 0.23
0.7 1.38
0.8 2.77
0.9 9.17
1.0 17.6
1.1 27.2
1.2 32.3
1.3 42.6
1.4 49.7
1.5 60.6
1.6 71.0
1.7 80.3
1.83 91.4
1.95 102
2.11 118
2.24 130
2.37 143

Detector #8, 3953C4[edit | edit source]

Measured capacitance with LCR Meter BK Precision 879, 281pF.

Data acquired on 8/14/2014 using bench supplies:

Reverse bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) (10k ohm in series) Current (measured, uA)
10 0.08
20 0.09
30 0.08
40 0.08
50 0.09
60 0.09
70 0.10
80 0.10
90 0.42
100 1.64
105 2.72
108 3.61
109 40.4
110 95.5
forward bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) (10k ohm in series) Current (measured, uA)
0 0.09
0.13 0.09
0.25 0.08
0.43 0.11
0.48 0.2
0.54 0.56
0.65 2.92
0.78 9.32
0.89 17.4
1.01 26.5
1.19 41.2
1.32 52.4
1.43 62.6
1.65 82.9
1.94 110

Detector #9, 3956B1[edit | edit source]

Measured capacitance with LCR Meter BK Precision 879, 50pF.

Data acquired on 8/19/2014 using bench supplies:

New devices which should have lower P contamination.

Reverse bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (applied, V) Current (measured, uA) (10k ohm resistor in series)
10 0.8
20 0.12
30 0.33
40 0.59
50 0.93
60 1.29
70 1.82
72 1.98
74 2.16
76 2.34
80 3.01
85 4.85
90 240
95 280
100 306
105 325
110 350
115 372
Forward bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (applied, V) Current (measured, uA) (10k ohm resistor in series)
0 0.09
0.13 0.08
0.247 0.08
0.364 0.08
0.423 0.14
0.601 4.71
0.718 13.21
0.834 22.9
0.886 27.5
1.0 38.5
1.125 49.41
1.24 60.3
1.3 65.8
1.384 73.7
1.475 82.3
1.53 87.8
1.65 98.9
1.82 115
1.94 127
2.05 138
2.29 161
2.52 183

Detector #10, 3956F3[edit | edit source]

Measured capacitance with LCR Meter BK Precision 879, 50pF.

Data acquired on 8/19/2014 using bench supplies:

Reverse bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) (10k ohm in series) Current (measured, uA)
10 0.1
20 0.09
30 0.09
40 0.08
50 0.09
60 0.09
70 0.08
80 0.09
90 0.09
100 0.08
110 0.08
120 0.09
130 0.08
135 0.08
140 62
150 146
160 175
170 395
forward bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) (10k ohm in series) Current (measured, uA)
0 0.08
0.13 0.08
0.246 0.08
0.305 0.09
0.423 0.1
0.541 0.14
0.601 0.29
0.719 1.79
0.835 6.76
0.951 14.6
1.07 23.9
1.24 39.2
1.44 56.7
1.54 66.1
1.71 82.3

Detector #11, 3957A2[edit | edit source]

UPDATE: just learned that this is not a device, just a test article, p-doped only (9/5/2014)

Measured capacitance with LCR Meter BK Precision 879, 57pF.

Data acquired on 9/4/2014 using bench supplies:

Reverse bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) (10k ohm in series) Current (measured, uA)
0 0.09
10 2.81
20 33.78
30 97.5
40 211
50 410
forward bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) (10k ohm in series) Current (measured, uA)
0 0.08
0.129 0.08
0.188 0.08
0.246 0.08
0.363 0.08
0.481 0.10
0.549 0.13
0.661 0.20
0.718 0.25
0.776 0.29
0.893 0.32
0.952 0.33
1.07 0.37
1.19 0.46
1.31 0.68
1.48 3.92
1.66 10.3
1.84 61.0
1.93 84.5
2.07 103.9
2.19 118

Detector #12, 3957A2[edit | edit source]

UPDATE: just learned that this is not a device, just a test article, p-doped only (9/5/2014)

Measured capacitance with LCR Meter BK Precision 879, 58pF.

Data acquired on 9/4/2014 using bench supplies:

Reverse bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) (10k ohm in series) Current (measured, uA)
0 0.09
10 2.84
20 23.03
30 64.2
40 138
50 285
60 660
forward bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) (10k ohm in series) Current (measured, uA)
0 0.08
0.129 0.08
0.199 0.08
0.305 0.08
0.422 0.1
0.481 0.13
0.601 0.29
0.719 0.50
0.777 0.63
0.835 0.77
0.980 1.10
1.11 1.47
1.25 1.92
1.51 3.65
1.66 7.98
1.74 12.81
2.04 32.9
2.30 55.4
2.42 66
2.60 81.5

Detector #13, 3960B2[edit | edit source]

Measured capacitance with LCR Meter BK Precision 879, 32pF.

Data acquired on 9/9/2014 using bench supplies:

Reverse bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) (10k ohm in series) Current (measured, uA)
0 0.08
10 0.08
20 0.08
30 0.08
40 0.08
50 0.08
60 0.08
70 0.08
80 0.08
90 0.08
100 0.08
110 0.08
120 0.08
130 0.08
135 0.08
140 0.08
150 0.08
160 0.08
170 0.08
forward bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) (10k ohm in series) Current (measured, uA)
0 0.08
0.137 0.08
0.245 0.08
0.362 0.08
0.480 0.14
0.539 0.26
0.599 0.59
0.658 1.39
0.762 4.82
0.892 12.2
0.951 16.24
1.01 20.6
1.19 34.9
1.37 50.6
1.42 55.4
1.54 65.8
1.60 71.3
1.84 93.1
1.95 104
2.13 120

Detector #14, 3962A1[edit | edit source]

Measured capacitance with LCR Meter BK Precision 879, 22pF. This is a BAE wafer 73um thick. There were issues with wafer reported to me.

Data acquired on 9/25/2014 using bench supplies:

Reverse bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) (10k ohm in series) Current (measured, uA)
0 0.08
10 0.14
20 6.35
30 25.4
40 125
50 700
forward bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) (10k ohm in series) Current (measured, uA)
0 0.08
0.137 0.08
0.245 0.08
0.362 0.08
0.478 0.10
0.597 0.37
0.715 1.41
0.773 3.03
0.840 6.50
0.890 9.18
1.05 21.1
1.18 32.7
1.24 37.9
1.42 53.9
1.48 59.4
1.59 70.3
1.77 86.9
1.95 103
2.06 115

Detector #15, 3963A1[edit | edit source]

Measured capacitance with LCR Meter BK Precision 879, 45pF. BAE wafer 40um thick. Reported issues with wafer quality.

Data acquired on 9/25/2014 using bench supplies:

Reverse bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) (10k ohm in series) Current (measured, uA)
0 0.08
10 3.25
20 26.9
30 142
40 320
50 546
forward bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) (10k ohm in series) Current (measured, uA)
0 0.08
0.137 0.08
0.245 0.08
0.362 0.08
0.480 0.14
0.539 0.26
0.599 0.59
0.658 1.39
0.762 4.82
0.892 12.2
0.951 16.24
1.01 20.6
1.19 34.9
1.37 50.6
1.42 55.4
1.54 65.8
1.60 71.3
1.84 93.1
1.95 104
2.13 120

Detector #16, 3960B2[edit | edit source]

Measured capacitance with LCR Meter BK Precision 879, 75pF. 20um thick, 2mm square.

Data acquired on 9/26/2014 using bench supplies:

Reverse bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) (10k ohm in series) Current (measured, uA)
0 0.08
10 0.08
80 0.08
90 0.10
130 0.11
170 0.12
190 0.13
230 0.40
240 0.50
250 0.60
260 0.80
270 0.83
280 0.86
290 0.87
300 1.58
forward bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) (10k ohm in series) Current (measured, uA)
0 0.08
0.192 0.08
0.310 0.08
0.368 0.08
0.420 0.10
0.486 0.26
0.603 1.65
0.663 3.58
0.780 9.93
0.897 18.4
1.07 32.9
1.13 38.0
1.19 34.9
1.19 43.2
1.25 48.4
1.31 54.1
1.39 61.2
1.48 69.8
1.60 80.7
1.78 97.2

Reverse bias data acquired on 10/15/2014 using bench supply, measuring current by measuring voltage drop across 1M ohm resistor:

Reverse bias (dark, covered)
Voltage (diode load, V) Current (calculated uA, 1M ohm voltage drop) Min max values after ~60 secs dwell
V min uA max uA
0 -0.014 -0.015
10 0.997 0.998
20 1.999 1.993
30 3.004 3.006
40.12 3.996 3.998
50.02 4.994 4.995
59.95 6.037 6.045
70.0 7.059 7.062
80.06 8.078 8.080
90.01 9.089 9.097
99.95 10.103 10.106
110.0 11.132 11.140
120.02 12.166 12.170
130 13.209 13.231
140.03 14.279 14.327
150.08 15.466 15.568
160.12 17.001 17.315
170.2 19.386 20.614
180.5 24.331 25.738
190.1 31.721 32.459
200.2 43.243 44.271