Bone xraytube

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Revision as of 17:30, 19 March 2023 by Mark (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Cape pinout == <pre> P8_3 J1_4 P8_5 J1_11 P8_6 J1_9 P8_11 J1_2 P8_12 J1_18 P8_14 J1_6 J1_8 +5V J1_10 +3.3V J1_12 -5V J1_1 +9V J1_3 +9V J1_5 +9V J1_7 +9V J1_13 grnd J1_15 grnd J1_17 grnd J1_19 grnd J1_20 1-wire P9_19 i2c_clk P9_20...")
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Cape pinout[edit | edit source]

<pre> P8_3 J1_4 P8_5 J1_11 P8_6 J1_9 P8_11 J1_2 P8_12 J1_18 P8_14 J1_6

         J1_8       +5V
         J1_10      +3.3V
         J1_12      -5V
         J1_1       +9V
         J1_3       +9V
         J1_5       +9V
         J1_7       +9V
         J1_13      grnd
         J1_15      grnd
         J1_17      grnd
         J1_19      grnd
         J1_20      1-wire

P9_19 i2c_clk P9_20 i2c_dat </pre>

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