Jq stuff

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Using jq


Command to return the id number of the last scan:

cnt=$(jq '.lastVehicleRecord.scans | length' heartbeat)

Fancy way to find the scanId of a selected system via bash and jq

if [ -z $1 ]; then whichIE="uvx"; else whichIE=$1; fi

printf ".lastVehicleRecord.scans[] | select(.type | endswith(\""$whichIE"\"))\n" > parms.jq

wget -qO heartbeat http://$ip/heartbeat

cnt=$(jq '.lastVehicleRecord.scans | length' heartbeat)

id=$(jq -f parms.jq heartbeat | jq '.id')

if [ ! -z $id ]; then

    wget -qO $id.orig.tiff http://$ip/requestImage/?scanId=$id
