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Mark (talk | contribs)
Created page with "== Spi communications during System Check (Shutter Cal) == <code>CalibrateDetector</code> function is main loop that runs the shutter cal process. It does a bunch of memory allocations, close_shutter calls and it calls <code>InitShaperXL3</code>. After this the filter wheel will be moved to the correct position and the xray tube will be started. Now we start <code>SpectraView2_segger</code> and drop into the looping function <co..."
Mark (talk | contribs)
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== Spi communications during System Check (Shutter Cal) ==
== Spi communications during System Check (Shutter Cal) ==

&lt;code&gt;CalibrateDetector&lt;/code&gt; function is main loop that runs the shutter cal process.  It does a bunch of memory allocations, close_shutter calls and it calls &lt;code&gt;InitShaperXL3&lt;/code&gt;.  After this the filter wheel will be moved to the correct position and the xray tube will be started.  Now we start &lt;code&gt;SpectraView2_segger&lt;/code&gt; and drop into the looping function &lt;code&gt;GetSpectra&lt;/code&gt; which is the function that reads data from the fpga and determines when the process is done.
<code>CalibrateDetector</code> function is main loop that runs the shutter cal process.  It does a bunch of memory allocations, close_shutter calls and it calls &lt;code&gt;InitShaperXL3&lt;/code&gt;.  After this the filter wheel will be moved to the correct position and the xray tube will be started.  Now we start &lt;code&gt;SpectraView2_segger&lt;/code&gt; and drop into the looping function &lt;code&gt;GetSpectra&lt;/code&gt; which is the function that reads data from the fpga and determines when the process is done.

=== Setting of Shapers ===
=== Setting of Shapers ===

Revision as of 17:48, 19 March 2023

Spi communications during System Check (Shutter Cal)

CalibrateDetector function is main loop that runs the shutter cal process. It does a bunch of memory allocations, close_shutter calls and it calls <code>InitShaperXL3</code>. After this the filter wheel will be moved to the correct position and the xray tube will be started. Now we start <code>SpectraView2_segger</code> and drop into the looping function <code>GetSpectra</code> which is the function that reads data from the fpga and determines when the process is done.

Setting of Shapers

<code>InitShaperXL3</code> sets up a local structure with shaper parameters based on the current detector being used. This function also calls <code>adjustDetectorShapers</code> and <code>SetShaperXL3</code>. This function then terminates.

<code>adjustDetectorShapers</code> modify's some of the parameters based on a few more conditions. Why this is not included in the previous function is beyond me... All parameters are in system ram, still nothing has been updated in the actual fpga registers.

<code>SetShaperXL3</code> makes some addition modifications to parameters and creates a few new ones based on other but with addtional offsets (wtf), it then calls <code>SetShaperUsingSPI</code>. There is also the ability to debug output a collection of probably important paramters: <pre> sprintf(buf,"SLOW_RISE_TIME:%d\r\n",SHS.SLOW_RISE_TIME); sprintf(buf,"GATE_RECOVERY:%d\r\n",SHS.GATE_RECOVERY); sprintf(buf,"RTD_RISE_TIME:%d\r\n",SHS.RTD_RISE_TIME); sprintf(buf,"RTD_FLAT_TOP_RTM:%d\r\n",SHS.RTD_FLAT_TOP_RTM); sprintf(buf,"PEAK_TIME:%d\r\n",SHS.PEAK_TIME); sprintf(buf,"AFTER_PEAK_GUARD:%d\r\n",SHS.AFTER_PEAK_GUARD); sprintf(buf,"DT_EXTENSION:%d\r\n",SHS.DT_EXTENSION); sprintf(buf,"SLOW_EXTENSION:%d\r\n",SHS.SLOW_EXTENSION); sprintf(buf,"FAST_EXTENSION:%d\r\n",SHS.FAST_EXTENSION); sprintf(buf,"SLOW_BIN_GAIN:%d\r\n",SHS.SLOW_BIN_GAIN); sprintf(buf,"SLOW_FINE_GAIN:%d\r\n",SHS.SLOW_FINE_GAIN); </pre>

<code>SetShaperUsingSPI</code>, I found something that actually writes stuff to the fpga. We start off reading <code>REG_ADDR_2</code> and clearing bit 8.

<pre> usDetector = Read_Single ( (REG_ADDR_2) ); usDetector &= ~(1<<8); // First detector

Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_2),usDetector ); Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_17),SHS.GATE_WIDTH_EXT); Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_18),SHS.GATE_RECOVERY); Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_16),SHS.ADC_OFFSET); Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_19),SHS.FAST_RISE_TIME +256*(SHS.FAST_RISE_TIME+SHS.FAST_FLAT_TOP))  ;

if (SHS.CUSP_TRAP) { usReg7 = ((short)(SHS.SLOW_FLAT_TOP))|0x8000; } else { usReg7 = ((short)(SHS.SLOW_FLAT_TOP))&0x7FFF; }

//bits 12 to 10 which have been moved to a new register Reg 31

    Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_20), usReg7);	
    Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_21) ,SHS.SLOW_RISE_TIME);         
    Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_22) ,SHS.SLOW_EXTENSION + 256*SHS.FAST_EXTENSION);// check it with the old one and send
    Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_23),SHS.FAST_THRESH_LOW);
    Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_24),SHS.FAST_THRESH_HIGH);
    Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_25),SHS.SLOW_THRESH_LOW);
    Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_26),SHS.SLOW_THRESH_HIGH);     
    Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_27),SHS.SLOW_BLR_TAU + 256*SHS.FAST_BLR_TAU); 
    Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_28),SHS.AFTER_PEAK_GUARD );
    Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_29),SHS.PEAK_TIME);   
    Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_30),FPGA_GAIN);        // for gain control (00->gain=1.05, 01 ->gain=2, 02 -> gain=4) 
    Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_31),SHS.SLOW_BIN_GAIN);     
    Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_32),SHS.SLOW_FINE_GAIN); 
    Write_Single( (REG_ADDR_33),SHS.DT_EXTENSION);	
  1. if 1//def RTD
  usReg34 = SHS.RTD_RISE_TIME;
   Write_Single(REG_ADDR_34, usReg34);// Setting the RTD RISE TIME
   usReg35 = SHS.RTD_FLAT_TOP_RTM;//usReg34 + ( usReg19 & 0xFF) + ( usReg19/256 );
   Write_Single(REG_ADDR_35, usReg35);
  1. endif
   //Clear Spectrum is optional here

ClearSpectrum_SPI ( );

   usTempData =  Read_Single ( (REG_ADDR_2) );
   usTempData &= ~0x0002; //Disable acquisition
   Write_Single ( (REG_ADDR_2), usTempData ); 
   usTempData =  Read_Single ( (REG_ADDR_2) );
   usTempData |= (1<<7); //Enable RTD
  Write_Single ( (REG_ADDR_2), usTempData | 0x0000 );// This selects Slow Shaper at the output of the DAC board - default


Getting spectra

Ok, so we start by disabling spectral acquisition <code>startSpectrum(FALSE)</code> and then call <code>InitShaperXL3</code>. We then zero out localSpecra buffer, initialize a bunch of local variables and get the current (starting) realtime and livetime values for future use.

Register definitions

register description
REG_ADDR_0 Frequency value (set to 9?) Might readback some testscope2 block data
REG_ADDR_1 Delay value (set to 20?), bit 15 something to do with scope data
REG_ADDR_2 shaper control
bit 11 unused, bit 10 rtd shaper enable, bit 9 slow shaper enable, bit 8 fast shaper enable
bit 7 rtd enable, bit 6 unused, bit 5 unused, bit 4 start timer (appears to be disconnected in 8474)
bit 3 unused, bit 2 unused, bit 1 enable acquisition (and timers), bit 0 reset blr
REG_ADDR_3 Revision register (DD[3][15..0]
REG_ADDR_4 Live Time LSB <code>GetCurrentRealAndLiveTime</code> Pulse processor state machine is halted until these are non-zero. These values should be initialized to 0xffff and this will allow the pulse processor to run. (countdown).
REG_ADDR_5 Live Time MSB <code>GetCurrentRealAndLiveTime</code> Pulse processor state machine is halted until these are non-zero. These values should be initialized to 0xffff and this will allow the pulse processor to run. (countdown).
REG_ADDR_6 Real Time LSB <code>GetCurrentRealAndLiveTime</code> Pulse processor state machine is halted until these are non-zero. These values should be initialized to 0xffff and this will allow the pulse processor to run. (countdown).
REG_ADDR_7 Real Time MSB <code>GetCurrentRealAndLiveTime</code> Pulse processor state machine is halted until these are non-zero. These values should be initialized to 0xffff and this will allow the pulse processor to run. (countdown).
REG_ADDR_8 Live Time LSB <code>GetRealAndLiveTime</code> (latched values)
REG_ADDR_9 Live Time MSB <code>GetRealAndLiveTime</code> (latched values)
REG_ADDR_10 Real Time LSB <code>GetRealAndLiveTime</code> (latched values)
REG_ADDR_11 Real Time MSB <code>GetRealAndLiveTime</code> (latched values)
REG_ADDR_12 Current fast value (read only)
REG_ADDR_13 Current slow value (read only)
REG_ADDR_14 unused
REG_ADDR_15 unused
REG_ADDR_16 adc offset
REG_ADDR_17 gate width extension
REG_ADDR_18 gate recovery
REG_ADDR_19 bits 0-7 fast rise time, bits 8-15 fast flat top + fast rise time
REG_ADDR_20 bit 15 cusp trap, 0-14 slow flat top
REG_ADDR_21 slow rise time
REG_ADDR_22 bits 0-7 slow extension, bits 8-15 fast extension
REG_ADDR_23 fast threshold low, typically set to 1.5*current fast value
REG_ADDR_24 fast threshold high, typically set to 2.0*current fast value
REG_ADDR_25 slow threshold low, typically set to 1.5*current slow value
REG_ADDR_26 slow threshold high, typically set to 2.0*current slow value
REG_ADDR_27 bits 0-7 slow blr tau, bits 8-15 fast blr tau
REG_ADDR_28 after peak guard
REG_ADDR_29 peak time
REG_ADDR_30 fpga gain, gain control (00->gain=1.05, 01 ->gain=2, 02 -> gain=4)
REG_ADDR_31 slow bin gain
REG_ADDR_32 slow fine gain
REG_ADDR_33 dt extension
REG_ADDR_34 rtd rise time
REG_ADDR_35 rtd flat top rtm
REG_ADDR_36 bit 0 Bank select (0=bank_0, 1=bank_1), bit 1 clear on read (0=clear, 1=no clear)

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